Pity the Wellington Protesters Didn't Sack Parliament [I] - Roads, Climate Alarmism and Government Fraud.


 That heading should get the fringe hard Left conspiracy theorists in the Disinformation Project's wheels spinning.

 As stated elsewhere, I never took the Pfizer vaccine and am very glad I didn't, both on the data as it is putting the lie to safe and effective, and at the time philosophically given what our government used sham emergency powers to do to us all. My wife and I became society's pariahs for the duration of the Covid so-called pandemic. I watched on at the Wellington protest with a lot of satisfaction that there would be change from the tyranny that visited New Zealand so easily such was the desire of the populace to be safe, as they foolishly, we now know, lapped up all the lies from Ardern's Orwellian single pulpit of Truth. But I never went to the protest.

I can give a philosophical reason as to why, this is my favourite literary quotation of all time, from Milan Kundera's Unbearable Lightness of Being:

But really it's just that I don't do protests, as a rule, because I'm a private individual with a small group of friends and family I'm comfortable with, and I don't like large groups of people I don't know: have never felt comfortable in that type of environment. And although on principle I blog and tweet under my own name, I am in no way a public man; although I love words and writing them down, I'm terrified of public speaking, as stupid as that is, and have never managed to beat that one and at 57 years old find the best way round it now is to avoid it. I even despise phones: often on Twitter someone will pop into my DM's and ask for my phone number as they want to talk: I always give a polite lie, but now you know why: I despise phones, why would I want to talk to a stranger on one.

So I fully supported that Wellington protest, even put in a few coin, not a lot, but I didn't go. 

However after this length of time, and the broken country I see around me, sometimes, just sometimes, I wish that protest had peacefully stormed Parliament and thrown that bully Brown Shirt Mallard out, and claimed those grounds for our constitutional democracy that is now all but in form gone.

Today that was when I saw this headline:

In one of my first posts to this new blog I'd written on the $12.8 billion that this reckless government had signed New Zealand up to, quote: 

The Government raised New Zealand's 2030 Paris Agreement carbon-slashing target and reaching that target would require paying other countries to slash emissions on New Zealand's behalf.

Treasury estimates this will cost $12.8 billion by the end of the decade.

Well now that has mushroomed to a breath taking $24 billion dollars. How obscene.

To bring this post to its end, my Twitter followers are no doubt bored with me prattling on about the ruined road I live on in the Marlborough Sounds, discussed in that same link above; coming up to two years now, and we still don't know if the public road to our house will even be fixed, despite we can't live in our house without road access, and for this duration the lives of my wife and I, in very real part, are on hold.

So I published the below to my road association's FaceBook Page this afternoon, I don't think I need give anymore context for you to see my point (and big ups to my local Councillor Barbara for always replying to me, she's one of the very few good ones worth voting for):

And then on Twitter today a new follower and followee posted the below: he has to buy coal to run driers for lime to ready it for spreading: for each $68.90 per tonne of coal, he has to pay per tonne an emissions tax of $175.00. To buy $1,100 of coal he has to pay tax to this corrupt Wellington of $2,700. He is being shafted in every way the residents of Marlborough's roads are on the altar of climate alarmism, which is a scam. A straight out scam on the science, and on the data: sound familiar? But access to our houses are our lives, just as that lime is essential to grow the food you eat: don't wonder why food is getting so expensive as government regulates and taxes food producers out of existence.

New Zealand needs a revolution ... 


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