OIA to Department of Conservation - Co-(Maori)-Governance Is Turning NZ into New Zimbabwe. Is there a Private Deal with Ngai Tahu?


Co-(that's Maori)-governance wasn't coming in with Five Waters: in a coup d'etat it has been practiced for some years now via the effective Maori veto enforced by every local council and government department. Where I live if I want to protect the erosion on my property's foreshore - not from climate change but the three times bigger mussel boat fleet and their bow waves - then I am forced to have by council processes Iwi clearance, so I am well advised to grease the palm, or at least not upset, the Iwi member whose desk consents go through.

[A basic internal audit 101 would have shown the government's army of consultants that the veto around which co-governance works has terrible incentives and leads directly to corruption and graft, as exemplified by Nanaia Mahuta's many venal family placements when she was Minister of Local Government. The pity is there's a system developed over thousands of years called, nominally, Westminster democracy - or constitutional monarchy - which solved all these problems while protecting our individual rights over volition and property, but successive New Zealand governments have destroyed that in our move back to a corrupt politick based on tribalism which ends very badly for us all, and given such massive constitutional upheaval, was never electioneered on by any party implementing it.]

Strayed, sorry. Back on topic, I am drawing the inevitable conclusion that co-Maori-governance, already instituted, means we need a name change not to Aotearoa, we can keep the NZ and simply call ourselves New Zimbabwe. 

I believe my below tweets this morning, forming an OIA to the Department of Conservation, if confirmed make my point well enough: I'm pretty certain of the hospo DOC denial of lease case mentioned below, but will verify that before writing more:



  1. The OIA is acknowledged by DOC, I await the response with interest.


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