Labour Police Minister Ginny Andersen Must Be Stood Down.


 We have all seen the video footage of the violence from an out of control mob at Let Women Speak in Auckland last Saturday. I don't need to link it further here.

That footage has been around the world, overseas media from Tucker Carlson in the US to TalkTV in UK view New Zealand, our police - who did nothing under a mis-interpretation of their own governing laws - and our media which has been at the fore front of smearing Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull with outright lies, as well as building and inciting the violence of that mob, as something between a laughing stock but also horror story where women are not safe. The New Zealand Herald columnist Shaneel Lal who was chief instigator of the violence continues even now on Twitter gloating about the brave women his mob injured and terrified to the point there was no way for them to speak, and Kelly-Jay had to leave the country fearing for her life, with his employer's sanction, because not only has that tabloid not moved to silence Lal, they have continued the false narrative of trying to link Kelly-Jay to Nazi groups, which is factually wrong. In every interview asked Kelly-Jay has expressed her disgust at this asking why would a women's rights group possibly want links to Nazis. There is no evidence of same, the Herald work malevolently solely by innuendo, as all tabloids do.

From that footage I have no doubt at all, and no reasonable person would have, that if not for some very few males who at great danger to themselves managed to get her out, they being physically assaulted throughout the milieu, and special mention to a man called Ross Campbell who was chief in that small group, then without them Kelly-Jay would at best have suffered serious physical harm, at worst, been killed. The whole time the police did nothing but watch. I have no understanding. Two of the women from Voices for Freedom who were there to talk about women's rights at the event can be heard on their own video exhorting the police to intervene because women were being assaulted.

Go look at that footage.

And yet with all that, the Minister of Police, Ginny Andersen can say this:


There are two options:

1. Ginny Andersen has not seen any of that footage that we all have, which speaks to total incompetence.

2. Ginny Andersen belongs to a government, supported by a compliant media to do its dirty work, and a politicised police, with an agenda to erase women's rights, which is to erase women, which is, of course, the very agenda of the fascist trans activism movement.

Putting aside the fact the country has become an asylum under this Labour/Green government without the rule of law, a country where women are not safe, Ginny Andersen must either resign, or Prime Minister Hipkin's must stand her down.


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