
Showing posts from April, 2023

That Tax Report & The Problem With Labour Designing a Capital Gains Tax: Look at their past efforts.

  Given Blogspot removed (that's censored) one of my previous posts, this post is now published on my Substack . All new content is on my Substack if you want to change your bookmarks and blogrolls.

Let Me Explain the Increase in New Zealand’s Emergency Housing Figures: It’s Tax, Stupid.

The Landlords' Interest Deduction Limitation (Elimination) Disaster: Given Blogspot removed (that's censored) one of my previous posts, this post is now published on my Substack . All new content is on my Substack if you want to change your bookmarks and blogrolls.

Will Hipkins be Announcing a Tax Free Income Threshold Next Week?

 Given Blogspot removed (that's censored) one of my previous posts, this post is now published on my Substack . All new content is on my Substack if you want to change your bookmarks and blogrolls.

Youth Crime in New Zealand: This Election Year All Parties Need to State their Policy.

 Given Blogspot removed (that's censored) one of my previous posts, this post is now published on my Substack. All new content is on my Substack if you want to change your bookmarks and blogrolls.

Because Blogspot Have Censored/Removed A Post for Stating Facts I've Moved to Substack.

  Earlier this month on the lunatic article from 60 Minutes stating some parents were now calling their babies Theybies so as not to define their gender, I wrote the below short blog post. No doubt after complaints from New Zealand's free speech hating trans-activist community Blogspot removed/censored that post last night, so I have now moved to Substack . Let's see how long this re-post lasts: I will be posting only to my Substack from now on .

NZ’s Foreign Investment Fund (FIF) Regime: A Mess That Needs Fixing for Saver’s Sake.

  Précis : Given the steep fall in overseas equity markets over 2023, and likely to continue with then flat markets for some years, many investors caught in New Zealand’s FIF regime, pending when they invested, may be paying more tax than on the total capital appreciation of their holdings plus dividend stream: that is more than if caught in a true capital gains tax such as in US, UK or Australia. Given the importance of savings, policy makers need to urgently fix this hotch-potch regime. * * *   ‘The only source of the generation of additional capital goods is saving. If all the goods produced are consumed, no new capital comes into being.’ Ludwig von Mises: The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality.   ‘Capital is not a free gift of god or nature. It is the outcome of a provident restriction of consumption on the part of man. It is created and increased by saving, and maintained by the abstention from dissaving. Ludwig von Mises: The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality. ...

Pity the Wellington Protesters Didn't Sack Parliament [I] - Roads, Climate Alarmism and Government Fraud.

   That heading should get the fringe hard Left conspiracy theorists in the Disinformation Project's wheels spinning.  As stated elsewhere , I never took the Pfizer vaccine and am very glad I didn't, both on the data as it is putting the lie to safe and effective , and at the time philosophically given what our government used sham emergency powers to do to us all. My wife and I became society's pariahs for the duration of the Covid so-called pandemic. I watched on at the Wellington protest with a lot of satisfaction that there would be change from the tyranny that visited New Zealand so easily such was the desire of the populace to be safe, as they foolishly, we now know, lapped up all the lies from Ardern's Orwellian single pulpit of Truth. But I never went to the protest. I can give a philosophical reason as to why, this is my favourite literary quotation of all time, from Milan Kundera's Unbearable Lightness of Being : But really it's just that I don't d...

Geoffrey Palmer: 'In a free and democratic society, defaming the government is the right of every citizen.' - My Therapeutic Products Bill Submission Must be Reinstated II.

   This is an addendum, in the form of a further email, I have sent to the Health Committee to have my rejected submission against the Therapeutic Products Bill reinstated. A special thank you to that brave group of men and women medical professionals from New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science , for posting the Geoffrey Palmer quotation used. It's a foundational free speech principle and so apt to Covid and post-Covid times. Dear Health Committee In my  email to you of yesterday , I stated my case, based on law and principle, for why you must not reject my submission against the Therapeutic Products Bill pursuant to your stated grounds it was, quote 'possibly defamatory'. The summation of that was simply my submission is protected by parliamentary privilege, no action can be taken for defamation, and you have, therefore, subverted my democratic right to be heard due to your own subjective opinions (and beliefs) which is not the end to which standing order...

My Argument to Health Committee on Why I Believe They Have No Right to Reject my Submission Against the Therapeutic Products Bill.

  [Note the below post  is now uptated here. ]   I received the below email yesterday from the Parliamentary Health Committee hearing submissions against the Therapeutic Products Bill:   Thank you for your submission on the Therapeutics Products Bill. The Health Committee has resolved to return your submission, under Standing Order 220, based on the grounds that it considers it to be possibly defamatory.  Ngā mihi Committee staff Health Committee Secretariat Given this I plan to publish my submission to this blog, soon, and you can decide for yourselves if it is defamatory or the committee rejected it for quite different and self-serving motives regarding the continuation of both the government's and the opposition's largely false narrative on Covid policy and the safety and effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine. Before that, however, I have sent the following back to the Committee to see if this one part of our broken democratic system, my right to be heard,...

Free Speech: Looks Like the Trans-Activist Fascists Have Taken Down Sean Plunket's Twitter Account. The Silver Lining.

  Shaneel Lal, columnist for New Zealand Herald, and disgracefully awarded Kiwibank Young New Zealander of the Year just one week after he incited the hateful and violent mob that assaulted the women at the Let Women Speak , Auckland, event to shut their speech down, and then gloated about the success of his thugs after the event with no empathy whatsoever for the injured and terrified women, because Lal is a text book sociopath, is no doubt behind the concerted troll attack on broadcaster Sean Plunket to have his Twitter account permanently removed, as reported by 1News : The controversial broadcaster has been permanently suspended after other users reported him for breaking its "hateful conduct" rule, according to screenshots from the social media website. Speaking to 1News after his account was rendered inactive, Plunket stated he "suspected" he's been banned because of a "rather ironic tweet, asking if people supported the New Zealander of the Year Awar...